
Our vision and goals

Stormen library is situated in Bodø, a town of approx. 52.000 inhabitants in the northern part of Norway. We are a public library and our organization is a part of Bodø municipality. Bodø is one of the Cultural Capitals in Europe in 2024.


Our vision:

"Stormen library - literature and experiences in the heart of Bodø". 


Our purpose:

Stormen Library is a free, independent and relevant meeting place for everyone. We promote information, education and other cultural activities through active communication and by making books and other media available free of charge.

Stormen library creates and facilitates activity and development through the work with our programme, and through our focus areas Unge Stormen, Stormen samiske senter and Stormen kunst/dájdda. Together with our partners, we convey literature, knowledge, joy and cultural experiences in line with the intentions of the Public Libraries Act.

Target groups:

Stormen Library will embrace all age groups, ethnicities, genders and income groups, with a particular focus on children and young people.

Our values:

We shall be:

- Sustainable
- Future oriented
- Inclusive
- Inspirational
- Solution oriented
- Development oriented


Principal targets:

We shall:

- Be a leading library in Europe.
- Be a green and sustainable library.
- Mark us as an attractive, open and inclusive arena for information, reflection and cultural experiences, with literature as a bedrock.
- Take particular responsibility for conveying North Norwegian literature.
- Be the best library for youth participation in Norway.
- Be a significant contributor in making sami language, literature and culture visible and developed through Stormen samiske senter.
- Be a relevant space for displaying contemporary art through Stormen kunst/dájdda.
- Take an active role in the Capital of Culture Year 2024.
- Promote "Stormenkvartalet" as a strong cultural arena.





Kontakt biblioteket:


Stormen bibliotek, Storgata 1A, 8006 Bodø


Stormen bibliotek, Postboks 289, 8001 Bodø